Important information for cultural guests

Kostenloser Eintritt

Profitieren Sie von kostenlosen Eintrittskarten durch unsere Kulturpartner

Veranstaltungen wählen

Sie bestimmen bei der Anmeldung, welche Kategorien an Veranstaltungen Sie interessiert

Gemeinsam erleben

Sie müssen nicht alleine kommen, denn Sie erhalten zwei zusammenhängende Plätze und können eine Begleitung Ihrer Wahl einladen.

How does the ticketing process work?

  • If we get a ticket that matches your interests, we will call you. We do not usually leave a message on the answering machine or voicemail, as the time we spend waiting for a call back delays the ticket arrangement.
  • If you are available and want to participate in the event, we will discuss all details personally over the phone. Afterwards, we will pass your name to the organiser.
  • You must personally collect your tickets from the box office at least 30 minutes before the start of the event. The tickets are deposited in your name. You may be required to show your identity card, but no other proof of income.
  • The tickets are exclusively for you and the accompanying person you have invited. The tickets may not be passed on or given away.
  • When you receive a card from us, it is binding. Each ticket is a free gift and should be treated as such. We therefore expect you to attend the event. If for some important reason you are unable to take up tickets reserved for you, please let us know as soon as possible, at the latest by 12 noon on the day of the event.
  • If you fail to collect the tickets deposited for you at the box office 3 times and the reserved seats are thereby forfeited, we will have to exclude you from receiving free tickets so that other cultural guests have the opportunity to attend.
  • Registration as a cultural guest is valid for one year. If your financial situation does not change and you would like to remain a cultural guest after the year, we require renewed proof (e.g. Wolfenbüttel Card/Braunschweig Pass or confirmation from a social partner).
  • If your financial situation changes during the year so that your income increases and no longer qualify to be a cultural guest, please let us know.
Become a cultural guest

Wie werden Sie Kulturgast? Was ist erforderlich?

Alle Informationen, die Sie benötigen, haben wir Ihnen zusammengestellt. Sollten noch Fragen offen bleiben, dürfen Sie uns gerne jederzeit kontaktieren.